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Garry McCracken | Peter Stott


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Fusion: The Energy of the Universe, 2e is an essential reference providing basic principles of fusion energy from its history to the issues and realities progressing from the present day energy crisis. The book provides detailed developments and applications for researchers entering the field of fusion energy research. This second edition includes the latest results from the National Ignition Facility at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory at Livermore, CA, and the progress on the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) tokamak programme at Caderache, France.

  • Comprehensive coverage— basic principles, detailed developments and practical applications
  • Wide accessibility, but with sufficient detail to keep the technical reader engaged
  • Details the initial discovery of nuclear fusion, current attempts to create nuclear fusion here on earth and today's concern over future energy supply
  • Color illustrations and examples
  • Includes technical notes for aspiring physicists

"The second edition of the book contains two new chapters on ITER and NIF…The text of the book is simple and in easily readable language. Each chapter contains various colourful figures and scenarios of the experimental devices that the reader can follow easily. It provides an invaluable source of information to researchers and students of fusion technology, nuclear physics and power generation who can benefit from it." --Contemporary Physics, 2013