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Structural Geology: Fundamentals and Modern Developments

Structural Geology: Fundamentals and Modern Developments

S.K. Ghosh


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Presents a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the fundamental aspects of structural geology, emphasising both classical concepts and modern developments. A detailed account of the techniques of geometrical analysis is provided, giving a sound background to principles of geological deformation and in-depth analysis of mechanisms of formation of geological structures. Many new features are included such as detailed discussions on rotation of rigid inclusions and passive markers, boudinage (including chocolate tablet boudins, foliation boudins and shear fracture boudins), structural implications of basement-cover relations and time-relation between crystallation and deformation. The book presents the methods of structural analysis from microscopic to map scale, describes modern techniques used in field and laboratory and offers a balanced picture of modern structural geology as it emerges from combined field, experimental and theoretical studies.
Hardback edition (0 080 41879 1) also available £50.00
Terry Engelder
Structural Geology breaks new ground in being the first structural text to devote chapters to the subjects of rotation of structural elements and ductile shear zones...will serve nicely as an introductory text for structural geology.
G. Oertel.
...vast and useful collection of informative summaries of research and review papers.
Earth Science Reviews