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Marijuana and Health Hazards

Marijuana and Health Hazards

Jared Tinklenberg


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Marijuana and Health Hazards: Methodological Issues in Current Research is a collection of manuscripts presented at a conference on methodological issues involving marijuana research, held in Washington, D.C., sponsored by the Drug Abuse Council Inc. This book is composed of five parts encompassing 18 chapters that focus on the human health consequences of marijuana consumption.
Part I discusses the cytogenetic effects of marijuana, with an emphasis on its cell-damaging, genotoxic, and teratogenic effects. Part II describes the interaction of marijuana products on the T-lymphocytes of man and Part III examines the effects of marijuana smoking on male reproduction, specifically on plasma testosterone level. Part IV investigates the central nervous system damage associated with marijuana use and looks into some of the methodological problems arising at the general issues of central nervous system dysfunction as these relate to marijuana consumption. Part V focuses on the psychiatric consequences of different degrees of marijuana use.
This book is of great benefit to scientists and researchers who wish to elucidate the issues regarding the effects of marijuana.