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Effects of Noise On Wildlife

Effects of Noise On Wildlife

John Fletcher


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Book Details


Effects of Noise on Wildlife emerged from the Symposium on the Effects of Noise on Wildlife, organized by ICA-WG4 as part of the 9th International Congress on Acoustics in Madrid, Spain, July 4-9, 1977.
The book begins by examining some popular and relatively well-known aspects of animal behavior in relation to noise. This is followed by separate chapters on the physiological responses of large domestic animals to various sound environments; the effects of sonic booms on native fauna; wildlife-powerline interactions; the effects of transmission line audible noise on wildlife; and the effects of acoustical noise on selected marine biological systems. Subsequent chapters deal with the effects of noise stress on gestating female mice and the environmental impact of noisy activities on wildlife. The book concludes with a discussion of the impact of existing noise-related policy on animals and government and public policy needs.
This book is intended for readers in administrative services and agencies responsible for nature protection.