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This inspired book by some of the most influential scientists of our time--including six Nobel laureates--chronicles our emerging understanding of the chemical bond through the last nine decades and into the future. From Pauling's early structural work using x-ray and electron diffraction to Zewail's femtosecond lasers that probe molecular dynamics in real time; from Crick's molecular biology to Rich's molecular recognition, this book explores a rich tradition of scientific heritage and accomplishment. The perspectives given by Pauling, Perutz, Rich, Crick, Porter, Polanyi, Herschbach, Zewail, and Bernstein celebrate major scientific achievements in chemistry and biology with the chemical bond playing a fundamental role. In a unique presentation that also provides some lively insights into the very nature of scientific thought and discovery, The Chemical Bond: Structure and Dynamics will be of general interest to scientists, science historians, and the scientifically inclined populous.
"The largest audience will be amongst graduates and professional practitioners of chemistry and biology; to them I wholeheartedly recommend this book."
"The volume is beautifully produced with excellent diagrams, many of which are in colour. It provides a good and informative read for any chemist, biochemist or student of these fields. I am sure that the editor has devoted much time to its preparation."
"This unique presentation provides some lively insights into the very nature of scientific thought and discovery, and as such will be of interest to scientists in all disciplines, science historians, and the interested non-specialist."
"The variety made the book more readable, and it certainly is not 'dry.'...The book is enjoyable, and the quality of the production is excellent, with significant use of color....Although much of the book is inherently technical, there is also an underlying aspect of scientific philosophy that is worth learning."
"The Chemical Bond: Structure and Dynamics is a unique presentation....It provides lively insights on the special nature of scientific thought and discovery and will be of interest to scientists, science historians, and to all others who are scientifically inclined."
"[The book's] authors are nine celebrated chemists from North America and the United Kingdom. Six of them are Nobel laureates; one, Linus Pauling, is a rarity indeed, a Double Nobelist....The attractive volume grew out of a splendid occasion...when Caltech celebrated Pauling's 90th birthday. Personal reminiscences, colorful diagrams, and photographs and biographies welcome the general scientific reader to nine relatively informal chapters."
"Zewail is to be congratulated on bringing together such a range of contributors...The book is a fascinating summary of a goodly portion of the state of modern chemistry."
"Linus Pauling, one of the greatest chemists, in celebrating his 90th birthday is giving us all a glimpse at what it must be to have reached his patriarchal age."
"The concept of the chemical bond is one of the great unifying ideas in science. This historic volume brings us the contributions of a glittering array of stars...How fortunate we are that Ahmed Zewail has brought together into this volume nine inspiring articles by authors renown for their authority and clarity, including two by Linus Pauling himself. The book will be a source of inspiration to the young and of fascination to the not-so-young."
--PROFESSOR A.D. BUCKINGHAM, FRS, University of Cambridge
"How fitting that the premier chemists of this age, most of them Nobel Laureates, through the prism of their work, were asked to extoll and celebrate the achievements of Linus Pauling...uncontestably one of the greatest chemists ever...Anyone interested in the language of experimental science and in the wellsprings of scientific genius will treasure this book."
--SIR JOHN MEURIG THOMAS, FRS; Deputy Pro-Chancellor, University of Wales; Former Director of the Royal Institution of Great Britain