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An Introduction to Digital Signal Processing

An Introduction to Digital Signal Processing

John H. Karl


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Book Details


An Introduction to Digital Signal Processing is written for those who need to understand and use digital signal processing and yet do not wish to wade through a multi-semester course sequence. Using only calculus-level mathematics, this book progresses rapidly through the fundamentals to advanced topics such as iterative least squares design of IIR filters, inverse filters, power spectral estimation, and multidimensional applications--all in one concise volume.

This book emphasizes both the fundamental principles and their modern computer implementation. It presents and demonstrates how simple the actual computer code is for advanced modern algorithms used in DSP. Results of these programs, which the reader can readily duplicate and use on a PC, are presented in many actual computer drawn plots.

  • Assumes no previous knowledge of signal processing but leads up to very advanced techniques combines exposition of fundamental principles with practical applications
  • Includes problems with each chapter
  • Presents in detail the appropriate computer algorithums for solving problems

"Suitable as a textbook for a one-semester advanced level course or as a self-study guide for working professionals." --NEW TECHNICAL BOOKS

"The book comprises a one-semester or self-study course, filling the gap between several oversimplified introductions and more topically specialized or formal treatments....Karl's book wins notable points for its easy reading style and its between-the-lines historical awareness. It assumes almost no prior DSP background and te only prerequisites are basic calculus, matrix algebra, and complex variables. It avoids high-level math without compromising accuaracy and pedagogy. Problem sets are useful real-world queries introducing and developing concepts from and somewhat beyond those discussed in the text...Although there are, at present count, over 15 elementary texts on DSP, Karl's is one of the best, and will especially appeal to those with physics, geophysics, statistics, and engineering backgrounds. It is a mandatory purchase for libraries and technical departments." --GEOPHYSICS