Molecular Biology of the Fission Yeast
Dennis E. Buetow | Ian T. Cameron | G. M. Padilla | A. M. Zimmerman | Anwar Nasim | Paul Young | Byron F. Johnson
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This highly researched yeast, which represents a system used by cell biologists, geneticists and molecular biologists, has been given only minimal coverage in the literature. Its properties make it an excellent organism for DNA and related biotechnology reseach. This book, which is the first attempt to collate existing information in one source, will be an invaluable aid to those initiating projects with this organism.
"This book is required reading for all working on fission yeast and will be of interest to the wider general cell and molecular biology community."
"All twelve chapters are well referenced, up-to-date and adequately illustrated. There are numerous tables of summary information and a good index. As appropriate for a book of this price, production is of the highest quality; the cost should not deter libraries and researchers from acquiring this important survey of an increasingly important experimental organism."
"Molecular Biology of Fission Yeast will be a key reference book for popularizing the organism as an experimental system whose potential is not yet fully realized.... Overall, it is a superb book, is highly timely, makes for easy reading, and accomplishes most of the stated goals of the editors. All S. pombe and S. cerevisiae workers must have this book in their collection. The book is also recommended for investigators working on molecular biology of higher systems, as perusal of the book will convince them to wonder whether their favorite phenomenon also operates in the genetically trackable fission yeast system."