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Environmental Injury to Plants

Environmental Injury to Plants

Author Unknown


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The reaction of plant tissue to stress is of critical importance to growers concerned with the production of horticultural or agronomical plants on a large scale. This book discusses several factors that contribute to plant stress, including freezing and chill injury, drought stress, heat shock, salt stress, and toxic metals. The detection of plant stress by remote sensing devices is also examined.
Each contribution is well documented with appropriate literature. Most suitable for libraries supporting undergraduate and graduate programs at colleges and universities where plant research is conducted.
Obviously, the book does not deal with all forms of environmental stress and Frank Katterman, the editor, points this out himself. By concentrating on a few aspects of such a big subject he has produced a book that is informative enough to be sure to become a recommended text for all who are interested in the ecophysiology of plants.....It is a tribute to his book that anyone attempting to draw together the separate strands of ideas about the effects of diferent environmental stresses on plants will be in a much stronger position to do so after reading it.