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Principles of Induced Polarization for Geophysical Exploration

Principles of Induced Polarization for Geophysical Exploration

J.S. Sumner


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Developments in Economic Geology, 5: Principles of Induced Polarization for Geophysical Exploration focuses on the principles, methodologies, and approaches involved in induced polarization (IP), including anisotropism, electromagnetic coupling, and electrical circuits.
The book first takes a look at resistivity principles, theory of IP, and laboratory work in IP. Concerns cover electrical measurements of rocks, anisotropism, early part of decay curve and the comparison with frequency effects, electrical models of induced polarization, electrical polarization, resistivities of earth materials, and resistivity exploration methods. The manuscript then elaborates on IP field equipment, telluric noise and electromagnetic coupling, IP field surveying, and drill-hole and underground surveying and the negative IP effect. Discussions focus on differences between surface and subsurface methods, current-sending system in the field, telluric (earth) currents, electromagnetic coupling, design considerations, coupling of electrical circuits, design considerations, and signal-generating system.
The manuscript ponders on the complex-resistivity method and interpretation of induced-polarization data, including grade estimation of mineralization using the IP method, complex-resistivity survey, signal detection capabilities of the complex-resistivity method, and disadvantages of the complex-resistivity method.
The text is a valuable source of information for researchers wanting to study induced polarization.
This book... steers an amazingly clear path through one of the more controversial subjects in exploration geophysics... of considerable completeness and scope... should be mandatory reading for all mining geologists, geophysicists and exploration managers. There are very few specialists indeed who could not learn at least a few things from this book.