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Case Studies in Atomic Physics 4

Case Studies in Atomic Physics 4

E McDaniel


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Case Studies in Atomic Physics IV presents a collection of six case studies in atomic physics. The first study deals with the correspondence identities associated with the Coulomb potential: the Rutherford scattering identity, the Bohr-Sommerfeld identity, and the Fock identity. The second paper reviews advances in recombination. This is followed by a three-part study on relativistic self-consistent field (SCF) calculations. The first part considers relativistic SCF calculations in general, and in particular discusses different configurational averaging techniques and various statistical exchange approximations. The second part reviews the relativistic theory of hyperfine structure. The third part makes a number of comparisons between experimental results and values obtained in different SCF schemes, with exact as well as approximate exchange. The next case study on pseudopotentials compares the results of model potential and pseudopotential calculations. The final study reviews, on a kinetic basis, the behavior of low density ion swarms in a neutral gas.