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Tunneling in Rock

Tunneling in Rock

Ernest Wahlstrom


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Tunneling in Rock reviews the theory and practice of engineering geology and its application to tunneling in rocks. This book explores the history of tunneling, defines terminologies of tunneling, and illustrates tunnels.
The book discusses the petrography of unaltered rocks, such as rock minerals, fragmental rocks, igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks. The book then describes rock alteration, which may be caused by weathering. Such alterations are low-temperature alterations at moderate depths, hydrothermal alteration, deuteric alteration, pneumatolytic alteration, and other miscellaneous types of alteration. The book also discusses elementary rock mechanics, such as isotropism and anisotropism; mechanical properties of rocks; force and stress; and the fracture and fold anisotropy in rocks, including the deformation of minerals, elastic, quasi-elastic, and plastic rocks.
The remaining chapters of the book focus on hydrogeology; geological investigation of proposed tunnel locations and its application to tunnel planning and design; different tunneling methods; and geological investigations during tunnel constructions. Those who are interested in geological aspects of planning and constructing tunnels will find this book valuable.