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Picture Processing and Psychopictorics

Picture Processing and Psychopictorics

B.S. Lipkin


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Picture Processing and Psychopictorics explores the selected aspects of perception and picture processing involving variables that are relevant to psychopictoric research. This book is organized into four parts encompassing 18 chapters.
The first three parts cover the three classes of psychophysical variables, namely, contrast and border, shape and geometry, and texture. These parts also deal with the factors that influence the detection of objects in complex images. The discussion then shifts to the role of these factors in perception, as well as the computer analysis and manipulation of images with respect to these factors. The fourth part describes the programming systems for online experimental design and image manipulation.
This work will be of great value to psychologists concerned with determining how the human extracts information from visual stimuli and to computer scientist concerned with developing programs and equipment to extract similar information from images.