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Experimental Endocrinology

Experimental Endocrinology

M Zarrow


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Book Details


Experimental Endocrinology: A Sourcebook of Basic Techniques focuses on techniques and methodologies used in conducting experiments on endocrinology.
The manual discusses the sources, nature, action, and assays of hormones and estrogens. Biosynthesis, metabolism, and mechanisms of action of hormones; sites of estrogen formation; and biogenesis, metabolism, and mechanism of action are discussed.
The book also focuses on the nature, action, and assays of progestogens, relaxin, androgens, epinephrine and norepinephrine, adrenal corticoids, and thyroid hormones. Experiments are presented to show the varying effects of these hormones on animals. The manual also focuses on somatotropin, corticotropin, and thyrotropin. Sites of formation; nature of the hormones; action of STH, ACTH, and TSH; and biogenesis, metabolism, and mechanism of action are discussed. The book also discusses gonadotropins, oxytocin, vasopressin, and melanocyte stimulating hormone; parathormone; insulin and glucagon; and invertebrate hormones.
The manual is a reliable source of information for students and readers interested in studying endocrinology.