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Space Groups and Their Representations

Space Groups and Their Representations

Gertjan Koster


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Space Groups and Their Representations focuses on the discussions on space groups and their corresponding numerical and analytical representations.
Divided into six chapters, the book starts with the presentation of the nature and properties of space groups. This topic includes orthogonal transformations and Bravais lattices, such as cubic system, triclinic system, trigonal and hexagonal systems, monoclinic systems, and tetragonal systems. The book then proceeds with the discussion on the irreducible representations of space groups, and then covers the general theory, simplification, and introduction.
Discussions on various examples of space groups are given in the third chapter. Numerical representations are provided to support the validity of the different space groups, including discussions on double groups. The book also points out that the irreducible representation of space groups and the application of representation theory to them manifest the latest developments on geometrical crystallography.
The text is a vital source of data for scholars and readers who are interested to study space groups and crystallography.