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Catalogue (Books)
Richard Hull
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Richard Hull
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Fire Retardancy of Polymers
Peter R Hornsby
Roger N Rothon
Kunihiko Takeda
Christine Pelegris
Takashi Kashiwagi
Sergei Lomakin
Gennady E Zaikov
Jean-Marc Lefebvre
Roman A Sheptalin
Baljinder K Kandola
A Richard Horrocks
Jianqi Wang
Jeffrey W Gilman
Xavier Flambard
Govanni Camino
Bernhard Schartel
Brigitte Mutel
Michel Grisel
Jose M Lopez Cuesta
Luciana De Moura Estevao
Gyorgy Marosi
T Richard Hull
Dennis Price
Pierre Georlette
Michel Le Bras
Serge Bourbigot
Sophie Duquesne
Charafedine Jama
Charles Wilkie
Fire Retardancy of Polymers
Nicolas Cinausero
Bob Howell
Gerd Schmaucks
Gyorgi Marosi
Zbigniew Brzozwski
J-M Lopez Cuesta
Gordon Nelson
Giovanni Camino
Charles Wilkie
Alberto Fina
Jianwei Hao
Shonali Nazare
Everson Kandore
John Staggs
Y C Wang
Sophie Duquesne
Robert Hicklin
Phil Wakelyn
Sabyasachi Gaan
A R Horrocks
Paul Joseph
David Purser
Anna Stec
Mohamed Hassan
Cheryl Kindness
B B Marosfoi
T Richard Hull
Baljinder K Kandola
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