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R J Peters
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R J Peters
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Developments and Applications in Solubility
Emmerich Wilhelm
Earle Waghorne
Glen Hefter
Wolfgang Hummel
G Maurer
Luis P N Rebelo
M Nunes da Ponte
Rubin Battino
Larry Clever
Alexander van Hook
U Domanska-Zelazna
Reg P T Tomkins
Dominique Richon
Vania de Stafani
C Coquelet
Margarida Costa Gomes
J Ilja Siepmann
Kelly E Anderson
Frank Eckert
Jean-Pierre Grolier
S Boyer
Justin Salminen
Ralf Dohrn
Ricarda Leiberich
Ljudmila Fele Zilnik
Jacques Fages
Maria Eugenia Macedo
Juergen Gmehling
Joan Brennecke
Wilfield Cordes
John Prausnitz
Anthony R. Goodwin
Kenneth Marsh
Cor J Peters
Wolfgang Voigt
Eric Koenigsberger
Peter May
A Perez-Salado Kamps
A Shariati
S Raeissi
A A. H Padua
M Sauceau
Simao Pedro Pinho Pinho
Toni Kaskiala
Petn Kobylin
Trevor M Letcher
Applied Thermodynamics of Fluids
Dieter Browarzik
J P Martin Trusler
Ionannis G Economou
Jim Ely
Clare McCabe
Amaparo Galindo
Mikhail A Anisimov
Maaike Christine Kroon
Eric Lemmon
Susana Bottini
Esteban Brignole
Selva Pereda
Signe Kjelstrup
Dick Bedeaux
Stanley I Sandler
Anthony R. Goodwin
Jan Sengers
Cor J Peters
Trevor M Letcher
Ron Weir
Terry Renner
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